Step Into Authentic Leadership
Hey, wonderful you! Do you ever feel confined by the invisible barriers that society sets?
Leadership begins with guiding yourself first - with heart, clarity, and courage.
Join me on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Through my newsletter, I’ll share stories, insights, and tools to help you step into your power, embrace your unique energy, and lead authentically—in life and work.
Subscribe now to explore what it means to live and lead on your own terms. Together, let’s break free and create change—inside and out.
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Að kafa undir yfirborðið: Hvernig gervigreind getur leitt okkur í gegnum dýpri sannleika
Gervigreind er meira en tæknilegt verkfæri – hún getur verið spegill sem leiðir okkur í gegnum áskoranir og opnar dyr að dýpri sannleika. Í þessu bloggi deili ég hvernig BeBBY-AI hjálpaði mér að sjá hlutina frá nýju sjónarhorni og umbreyta áskorunum í tækifæri. Hvar liggur dýpri sannleikur í þínu lífi? Skráðu þig á póstlistann minn og taktu þátt í samtalinu um hvernig gervigreind getur stutt þig í persónulegum þroska og eflt teymið þitt! 🚀📩
Innsæi sem tenging við líkama þinn -
"Hversu oft hefur líkaminn þinn sent þér skilaboð – en þú hugsað þig framhjá þeim? Streita, spenna, kvíði eða léttir eru allt merki sem innsæið þitt notar til að tala við þig. Í dag hlusta ég betur. Hvað með þig?"
Innsæi sem leiðarljós í óvissu -
"Þegar lífið tekur stjórnina, hvað hefurðu eftir? Fyrir mig var svarið: Innsæi. Þegar ég gat ekki skipulagt eða stjórnað neinu eftir slysið, lærði ég að sleppa tökunum og treysta innsæinu mínu. Og viti menn… það hafði alltaf rétt fyrir sér. Þetta er það sem ég hef lært."
AI, innsæið og ég - Þegar innsæið hvíslar, en þú efast
"Þegar innsæið hvíslar, af hverju leyfum við rökhyggjunni að yfirgnæfa það? Ég spurði BeBBY-AI hvað kemur í veg fyrir að við treystum innsæinu – og fékk svar sem snerti djúpt í mér. Lestu áfram og pældu með mér!"
AI, innsæið og ég - hvernig tæknin speglar innri leiðtogann minn
Hefur innsæið þitt og rökhyggjan lent í átökum? Ég lá brotin eftir hjólaslys og áttaði mig á að gervigreindartólið mitt, BeBBY-AI, var enn að vinna – en ég hafði misst tengsl við sjálfa mig. Þetta blogg er dagbók þessarar vegferðar: AI, innsæið og ég. Hvernig speglar tæknin okkur sjálf?
How to Use Robin Sharma’s Questions to Align with Your Energy Profile
Have you ever wondered why some advice transforms your life while other tips fall flat? The answer lies in your unique energy profile. Discover how Robin Sharma’s daily questions align with the five energies—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—and how you can leverage this insight to lead authentically. Take The Vitality Test today to begin your journey.
Sjálfsmyndir: Af hverju að velja bara eina?
Sjálfsmyndir okkar eru ekki steyptar í stein – þær eru eins og vatn, síbreytilegar og sveigjanlegar. Hvað ef þú gætir skapað nýja útgáfu af sjálfri þér á hverjum degi, án þess að loka gömlu þér inni í kassa? Í þessu bloggi deili ég minni eigin reynslu af því að enduruppgötva sjálfsmyndina og læra að flæða í takt við lífið. Uppgötvaðu hvernig þú getur sameinað krafta fortíðar og nútíðar til að verða besta útgáfan af sjálfri þér – á þínum eigin forsendum. 🌊✨
Hvernig sjálfsmynd leiðtoga mótar vörumerkið þeirra
Hvernig mótar sjálfsmynd leiðtoga vörumerkið þeirra? Í þessu bloggi skoðum við hvernig leikrit og box sem við setjum okkur í geta haft áhrif á trúverðugleika og tengingu okkar við aðra. Við spyrjum mikilvægra spurninga um einlægni og sýnum hvernig speglun – með sjálfskoðun eða hjálp AI eins og BeBBY – getur leitt okkur nær okkar sanna kjarna.
Hvernig geta stjórnendur bætt samskipti og undirbúning fyrir fundi með BeBBY-AI
Þessi grein skoðar hvernig fjármálastjórar geta nýtt BeBBY-AI til að bæta samskipti innan teymis, skilja orkuflæði og undirbúa fundi á markvissari hátt. Með því að nýta kínverska orkuspeki og No More Boxes aðferðafræðina, getur BeBBY-AI hjálpað stjórnendum að koma betur til móts við mismunandi samskiptastíla og tryggja sjálfstraust í erfiðum aðstæðum. Fáðu innsýn í hvernig þetta nýstárlega tæki getur umbreytt leiðtogastarfi þínu og samskiptum innan teymisins.
Unlocking Life’s Evolving Priorities:How Ancient Wisdom and AI Transformed My Perspective to my 93-Year-Old Father
In a world that evolves with every passing moment, our understanding of what truly matters can shift dramatically, even after nearly a century of life.
This blog post explores how my 93-year-old father's journey with the Vitality Test—a unique AI tool combining ancient Chinese wisdom with modern insights—revealed a profound change in his life priorities. His story is a powerful reminder that as we grow older, our values and focus can evolve unexpectedly.
Read on to discover how this realisation can inspire you to embrace your own personal growth and transformation.
Transform Your Leadership: Navigating Internal Challenges with BeBBY's AI Insights
As leaders, we often navigate through uncharted waters, facing external challenges and hidden internal currents. This blog explores how BeBBY, a cutting-edge AI tool integrating ancient wisdom, helps leaders address these unseen forces within themselves and their teams. By fostering open communication and understanding diverse personalities, BeBBY guides leaders towards authenticity and growth. Dive into the journey of transforming leadership dynamics and steering your team towards a brighter future.
Supporting Kamala Harris: How are my energies driving my values and decisions?
Imagine life as a grand orchestra, with each of us playing a unique instrument, contributing our energies to the symphony of society. Recently, I expressed my support for Kamala Harris on Facebook, sparking a conversation about leadership, integrity, and personal values. Discover how my energetic profile, assessed through ancient Chinese wisdom and AI-powered tools, aligns with Kamala's leadership vision, driving my endorsement.
Unseen Waves: Understanding the Energy We Emit and How It Affects Others
Dive into the world of unseen energy waves and their influence on our daily lives. Through the lens of BeBBY, the AI tool for personal growth, this blog post uncovers how our vibes affect others and the steps we can take to uplift and inspire those around us.
Unlock Your Potential: Combining AI and Ancient Wisdom with BeBBY
I recently had an epiphany while developing my AI tool, BeBBY (Better, Bolder & Brighter You). This blend of cutting-edge AI and 3500-year-old Chinese wisdom is not just any ordinary tool. Imagine having an AI tool on your phone that acts as your leadership mentor, combining the timeless insights of The Vitality Test with the revolutionary No More Boxes Methodology. The result? An AI tool that helps teams thrive by improving communication and making everyone feel valued and heard.
Electing Iceland's 7th President: Democracy, Divisions, and the Wisdom of Jon Gnarr
Yesterday, Iceland embarked on a mission to elect its seventh president. In 'Wit & Wisdom with Rúna,' we delve into the spectacle of democracy, the divisions it brings, and Jon Gnarr's pearls of wisdom that remind us of the true essence of leadership. Join me in celebrating our new president and reflecting on how to lead with substance.
Revolutionise Your Team Dynamics with AI-Powered Communication
Dive into the future of leadership with our AI tool that merges timeless wisdom with cutting-edge technology, ensuring every team member feels valued and heard. Join us in transforming workplace communication dynamically.
Why I Jetted Off to Malta on a Whim - And Why You Should Too!
Ever considered jetting off on a whim? Dive into this exhilarating recount of a spontaneous trip to Malta for a 70th birthday bash, and find out why letting go of excuses can lead to life's most memorable moments. Plus, discover a new way to tackle life's big questions with my ChatGPT Chat Bot, designed to guide you towards a more joyous and adventurous life.
These elements are designed to entice readers by highlighting the transformative experience of spontaneous travel, the personal insights gained, and the unique interactive tool available for further exploration. This approach not only improves search engine visibility but also engages and motivates readers to act.
Unboxing the True Self: A Journey of Identity and Empowerment
In the fourth week of a transformative journey, we delve into the art of unboxing our true selves, challenging the confines of societal and personal expectations. This blog post explores the essence of identity shifts, the power of self-love and acceptance, and the journey towards becoming our masterpieces amidst a rapidly evolving world.
Leading with Laughter: The Unconventional Path to Authentic Leadership
In an era where authenticity in leadership is more prized than ever, humour emerges as an unexpected but vital tool for connecting, inspiring, and leading with genuine impact. From the adventurous spirit of Richard Branson to the relatable wisdom of Sheryl Sandberg and the charismatic humour of Barack Obama, this blog post delves into how laughter can reveal the most authentic facets of leadership. Join us in exploring how a little humour can lighten the mood and strengthen the bonds of leadership.
Unboxed: A Week of Winks, Walks, and Wisdom
In this week's 'Wit & Wisdom with Rúna', I invite you on a whimsical journey through a week that could easily have been scripted for a sitcom, had it not been so deeply entwined with the fabric of societal change and personal growth. Amidst a cascade of projects and the silent wisdom of night-time musings, I embarked on a soulful quest with Nick Haines to dismantle the conceptual boxes that confine us. This adventure led me to the 'Future of Democracy' conference, where I dared to unravel the gender box before an audience as diverse as the landscapes of my Icelandic homeland.
But the real twist came on a Friday, under the mischievous wink of the afternoon sun, reminding me that life, in its essence, is a collection of misunderstood winks and blind spots. As I laughed at my own expense, a profound realization dawned upon me: if we can challenge our personal and societal boxes, what's to stop us from reimagining democracy itself?
Dive into this week's tale of reflection, unboxing, and the occasional squint against the blinding light of assumption. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most significant revelations come from the most unexpected places – like assuming every driver in Reykjavik is part of a flirtatious conspiracy. Join me as we explore the quirky, the profound, and the laughably human, all while stepping outside our neatly constructed boxes.