DEI: A Path to Empowerment or Just Another Box to Tick?

Challenging the Status Quo: The True Essence of Diversity and Inclusion

Have you ever been handed a beautifully wrapped gift, but upon opening it, you find it wasn't quite what you expected?

Dive into the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) world; you might experience a similar feeling.

The idea behind DEI is undoubtedly admirable.

Suppose you've followed anything I've been doing for the past decades. In that case, I'm all about embracing people's unique ability to contribute to our world, including diversity, meaning fostering environments where everyone, regardless of gender, race, or background, feels valued and included.

But let's take a moment to ponder:

Are we genuinely embracing individuals for their unique strengths? Or are we categorising them into neatly defined boxes based on society's preconceptions? Are we assuming that by mixing people up in a team, or board or management team by their gender, race, or religion, we get the best mix?

These boxes, no matter how well-intentioned, can create a mental trap. Assuming someone has certain qualities because of their gender or background can be limiting and harmful. If Jane is assertive and outspoken, does it stem from her being a woman? Or is it simply part of her unique personality? When we assign traits based on societal stereotypes, we risk missing the multifaceted brilliance each individual brings.

Is it possible for a workplace to let go of focusing on the labels we carry and instead the qualities we exhibit?

Such a paradigm shift would cultivate spaces where individuals know they're trusted, understood, and valued not because of their category but for who they are.

The million-dollar question: Is our current DEI strategy propelling us towards this goal?
Or is it simply a sophisticated exercise in, yet again, boxing people?

I invite all DEI enthusiasts to read this (and even the sceptics): Is it time to rethink DEI? Is it so hard to look beyond the superficial and understand individuals beyond the societal images we've painted of them?

What if, rather than asking employees to fit into our predefined DEI boxes, we shift our focus to recognising the unique strengths, passions, and qualities they possess?

The result?

I envision a transformative workplace where people feel seen, heard, and valued. A place where every contribution is acknowledged and celebrated, not because of societal labels, but because of its inherent worth.

As I've explored in my upcoming book, "Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership," true empowerment and inclusion happen when we see beyond these constructs.

So, are you ready to challenge the norm and embark on this transformative journey with me? I invite you to reach out if this blog post has stirred something within you.

Let's push the boundaries of traditional DEI together and co-create a brighter, more inclusive future.

Remember: Boxes are for shoes, not for souls. Let's walk this path of authentic leadership, where every step we take resonates with purpose and passion.

Reykjavík, Iceland, October 1st 2023


Join me in shaping a transformative guide that breaks free from the constraints of gender.   

This summer, I've poured my heart and soul into my upcoming book, 'Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership.'

This isn't just a book; it's a guided holistic journey into a future where we see each other for who we genuinely are, liberated from the shackles of gender assumptions. Much like my previous books, 'Branding Your X-factor' and 'The Story of Boxes,' 'Beyond Gender' seeks to empower individuals by uncovering our unique superpowers and understanding the consequences of separating ourselves from labels and boxes.

To bring this vision to life, I need your support. Your donations will directly contribute to the publishing, marketing, and distribution of 'Beyond Gender.' By donating, you're not just supporting a book; you're supporting a movement to revolutionise leadership and empower individuals to break free from the limitations society imposes.

As a token of our gratitude, donors will receive exclusive benefits, such as early access to the book, signed copies, and other surprises.  

Your support will not only help publish a book; it will help ignite a global conversation and inspire change.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Join me in rewriting the rules of leadership.  

Together, we can create a world where authenticity knows no bounds and everyone can lead without constraints. 

Will you be a part of this change?