Why "Feminine Leadership" Isn't the Answer

Black-and-white thinking will never create unity - only separation.

Two players in the grand leadership theatre have taken centre stage late: the dashing debate between "Masculine Leadership" and the so-called elegant "Feminine Leadership." 

So, what's the Buzz?

Masculine leadership, traditionally portrayed, oozes authority, assertiveness, and decisiveness. Margret Thatchers ' leadership style is often seen as the one that is "well-known for her no-nonsense approach and decisiveness." Or the Clint Eastwood of leadership style, often seen as the one that "takes no prisoners." 

On the other hand, feminine leadership is hailed for its empathy, collaboration, and intuition — think of it as Barack Obama: insightful, nurturing and his ability to show compassion or Meryl Streep's many characteristics: transformative, nurturing and soulful.

As you can see from my examples above, these leadership skills have nothing to do with gender!

It has to do with our characters! But constantly discussing them as feminine or masculine is boxing traits into problematic core stereotypes.  

Can we ditch the need to label one thing as being a male thing and another trait as a female trait when we know it has nothing to do with our gender?  

If you were a man raised to believe your role was to be a masculine breadwinner in the family -- would you be open to listening or adapting to a concept labelled as being 'feminine'? — I question it, what do you think?

Have you noticed the rising decibels around "speaking from your heart"?  

Everybody seems to be talking about "speaking from your heart" and at the same time making it a 'feminine' thing to do AND often also ditching the skillset of being able to rationalise things or being analytics.  

This shift is interesting, to say the least. Once upon a time, everything needed to be rational. Those days are over; the pendulum has moved to the brain's right hemisphere and is stuck there.  

World Economic Forum Skills for 2025

In my latest article on LinkedIn, I analysed the World Economic Forum predictions for the top 10 high-rising skillsets for 2025. According to WEF prediction, we need people both with analytical thinking and creative thinking. We need people with emotional intelligence and people who can read through numbers --not either or - both skills simultaneously!

What would our orchestra sound like with only one instrument? 

Indeed, as humans navigate the symphony of life, we often spotlight a singular instrument, forgetting the orchestra. Why shine a light on just the flute when the violin has its charm?    

The magic truly unfolds when we speak and act from our hearts and minds... simultaneously. It should not be an 'either-or'; it's a harmonious 'and'.

Breaking The 'Woman Box'

Here's a compelling thought: What if, in our earnestness to uplift, women's advocacy has unwittingly confined us? By championing stereotypical feminine qualities – kind, beautiful, caring – have we inadvertently kept women in the proverbial box?  

Redefining Leadership

I don't think masculine or feminine leadership is the definitive answer! 

The new rules of leadership, in its essence, are not gendered. It's being able to harness more effectively the rainbow of humanity. Seeing people for who they are, not by the assumptions we make of them by their gender, race, religion, or background. It's about vision, resilience, adaptability, and collaboration. It's about leading with mind and heart, embracing various qualities irrespective of gendered tags.

Ultimately, the best leaders will ditch the so-called masculinity or femininity boxes and lead beyond the stereotypical gender roles. 

They lean into humanity, blending the best of both worlds.    

There's a whole stage out there waiting for your unique performance; don't be forced to follow peer pressure from dead people who believed the earth was flat and used oil lamps to light their way. 

Reykjavík, Iceland, October 8th 2023


Join me in shaping a transformative guide that breaks free from the constraints of gender.   

This summer, I've poured my heart and soul into my upcoming book, 'Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership.'

This isn't just a book; it's a guided holistic journey into a future where we see each other for who we genuinely are, liberated from the shackles of gender assumptions. Much like my previous books, 'Branding Your X-factor' and 'The Story of Boxes,' 'Beyond Gender' seeks to empower individuals by uncovering our unique superpowers and understanding the consequences of separating ourselves from labels and boxes.

To bring this vision to life, I need your support. Your donations will directly contribute to the publishing, marketing, and distribution of 'Beyond Gender.' By donating, you're not just supporting a book; you're supporting a movement to revolutionise leadership and empower individuals to break free from the limitations society imposes.

As a token of our gratitude, donors will receive exclusive benefits, such as early access to the book, signed copies, and other surprises.  

Your support will not only help publish a book; it will help ignite a global conversation and inspire change.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Join me in rewriting the rules of leadership.  

Together, we can create a world where authenticity knows no bounds and everyone can lead without constraints. 

Will you be a part of this change?