Breaking Stereotypes in Leadership: Embracing AI Across Generations

The Surprising Tale of Generational Assumptions

AI and the Art of Defying Boxes: A Tale of Assumptions and Leadership

A story caught my ear in the whirling world of digital marketing. A top US digital marketing agency CEO, let's call him Mark, shared an eyebrow-raising encounter during hiring. He shared his surprised experience when a fresh-faced 20-year-old walked into an interview room, bursting with youthful energy, but - hold your gasp - this person had virtually zero knowledge about AI's role. Before entering the interviewing room, he had yet even to do a courtesy Google search about the company. Mark's face was a mix of surprise and concern, like someone who's just discovered their smartphone can do more than make calls.

Are you surprised as well?   Would you assume the same thing for a 20-year-old?

But wait, there's a twist. Here I am, a 62-year-old woman, talking about AI like it's my morning coffee topic. 

And yes, I use GPT to supercharge my work as the marketing and PR director for the Federation of Trade and Services in Iceland and as the creator of the new rules of leadership enthusiast. The look I get sometimes? It's like I announced I'm the next lead in a superhero franchise. Which would be fun to accomplish, but that's another story. 

Let's face it. We're all a bit like Mark, aren't we?

Making assumptions is our brain's favourite hobby. It's like mental knitting - we can't stop.  

You see a young 20-something and immediately slot them into the 'AI-Whiz-Kid Box'. Spot a 62-year-old lady, and she's briskly placed in the 'Probably Prefers Paper and Pencil' Box.  

But what if I told you that these boxes are more like those Russian nesting dolls, full of surprises and not what they seem on the outside?

This binary thinking, this black-and-white worldview, is precisely what we need to challenge. It's like believing the earth is flat - quaint but not quite fitting with the realities of our wonderfully complex world.

When leaders cling to these outdated boxes, we risk missing out on extraordinary talent. That's a miss that I wonder if we can afford to miss out on.

We can do better! We must do better!

In my upcoming book, "Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership," I delve into how we can shift from this black-and-white thinking to becoming quantum humans.  

Leaders need to navigate the diverse sea of knowledge, skills, and passions that people bring.

Let's be clear on what kind of talent we seek and stay open for the person who shows up. It might not be a person that fits into the box you thought they belonged to. 

So, next time you make assumptions, remember that a 20-year-old might be an undiscovered genius in healthy cooking, and your 62-year-old neighbour could be the next tech guru. Open the box, and you might be surprised at what you find.

Wanna take a sneak peek at "Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership"?  

Dr Marshall Goldsmith, #1 Executive Coach and NY Times bestselling author of 'What Got You Here Won't Get You There. 'describes it as an 'indispensable guide to visionary and inclusive leadership, trance ending gender norms in an AI-enhanced world.' 

It's not just a book; it's a roadmap to guiding ourselves and others towards a future unchained from social conditioning.

Check out the book here.

If we feel the need to point fingers to blame and curse and be frustrated, let's laugh at these old boxes, shall we? And while we're at it, let's redefine leadership. Who's with me?

Reykjavík, Iceland, December 14th 2023.


Join me in shaping a transformative guide that breaks free from the constraints of gender.   

This summer, I've poured my heart and soul into my upcoming book, 'Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership.'

This isn't just a book; it's a guided holistic journey into a future where we see each other for who we genuinely are, liberated from the shackles of gender assumptions. Much like my previous books, 'Branding Your X-factor' and 'The Story of Boxes,' 'Beyond Gender' seeks to empower individuals by uncovering our unique superpowers and understanding the consequences of separating ourselves from labels and boxes.

To bring this vision to life, I need your support. Your donations will directly contribute to the publishing, marketing, and distribution of 'Beyond Gender.' By donating, you're not just supporting a book; you're supporting a movement to revolutionise leadership and empower individuals to break free from the limitations society imposes.

As a token of our gratitude, donors will receive exclusive benefits, such as early access to the book, signed copies, and other surprises.  

Your support will not only help publish a book; it will help ignite a global conversation and inspire change.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Join me in rewriting the rules of leadership.  

Together, we can create a world where authenticity knows no bounds and everyone can lead without constraints. 

Will you be a part of this change?