What if ... we stopped being so polite towards the religious box?

Controlling another person under the name of religion, when do we say; enough is enough?

People! I’m furious thinking about the RELIGION BOX today.

The religious box is a social construct, nothing more…nothing less.

Dead people created it. People who were (perhaps) alive thousands of years ago. Dealing with life as it was at… AT-THAT-TIME.

These traditions are then picked up by - excuse my language - small men with even smaller p….. Men who have, because of their social construct, believed that they are superior to other human beings… just because their container, their body is male.

These poor small-minded men are not connected with what is needed in the world we live in today (2022).

They are stuck in the ‘this is how we’ve always done it box’, and it stinks in there!

Listening to the heavy price Masih Alinejad, a journalist and activist who has spent her entire adult life fighting for human rights in Iran and exposing the regime’s brutality, is heart-breaking and at the same time, empowering.

Can we change this? I say YES!

The first step is self-awareness. To look inwards and ask ourselves: Is this ‘religious-gender box’ that so many women are being forced to stay in a box that I would like myself to live in? Is it a box I would like my children, grandchildren, family and friends to live in?

If your answer is NO… then the second step is to do something about it!

Self-Leadership! -
Actions! Regardless of what other people might think of you!

I just wrote this post on LinkedIn. Would love to hear your thoughts and comments.


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