Leadership in the Digital Era: It's Not Technology--It's People

Navigate Digital Transformation with These Three Tips

Yesterday, I listened to a speaker talking about the bumpy road to implementing digital transformation in the workplace and how one particular skill set is essential to focus on and enforce deeper in our lives, the skillset of being transparent and open to the journey ahead.

It made me think about some leaders in my network who have expressed that they are tired of hearing about how digital transformation is the key to success in today's business world but can’t see how to make it happen in their organisation.  

- They blame it on the cost.

- They blame it on the lack of time to move the transformation forward, and I also hear some blame it on the current skills and talents within the organisation.

Here's the thing, my friend.  

According to research, the real obstacle to digital transformation isn't the technology itself but the humans using it.

80% of digital implementation isn't moving forward in your organisation due to human factors, not IT!  

Yeah… bummer; we can't blame the tech, I'm afraid ;-)

It's all on us!

But fear not, my friend! 

There are ways to overcome the human hurdle and lead your organisation into the digital future. As a change-maker myself, and quite often with ideas that some people find a way out of the box, I will give you three tips that might not be any news but might remind you of the things you need to think about. 

Here are three tips to help you on your digital implementation journey to change:

  1. Embrace change.  The first step to overcoming your fear of digital transformation is accepting that change is inevitable. The world is constantly evolving, and so must your organisation. Embrace the unknown and be open to new ideas.  

    Imagine how you would react if you've always been told that change is EASY, not difficult! 

  2. Lead by example.  If you want your employees to embrace digital transformation, you need to lead by example. Show them that you're not afraid to try new things and are willing to learn and grow along with them.  

    Be authentic, admit you are open to learning and appreciate their team support to step into the unknown.

  3. Communicate, communicate, communicate.  Create a culture where your team meet up for quick updates. Give them space to share their successes and, by all means, allow them to share their failures. That's how we learn. The best way to learn is to learn by doing. People are more likely to resist it if they don't understand why it's happening.
    Ensure you communicate digital transformation's benefits to your employees and involve them in the process. Change is only complicated when we believe it's hard.

    Remember what Audrey Hepburn said: "Nothing is Impossible; the word itself says 'I'm Possible.' 

So, don't let fear hold you back from digital transformation. Remember, it's not the tech; it's the humans. 

Celebrate every little success and failure on the way! You can lead your organisation into the digital future with courage and effective communication and make it a funny and out-of-the-box journey.