The Happiness Myth: Why Success Alone Doesn't Bring Joy

Debunking the Misconceptions of Happiness and Finding Inner Peace

Recycling The Podcast Episode "The Magic to Enjoy Who You Really Are" 

In 2018, I did a series of interviews with my fellow change-makers. For the episode "The Magic to Enjoy Who You Really Are", I invited my fellow change-maker Gido Schimanski to discuss the importance of accepting and appreciating one's unique talents and skills to be truly happy and prosperous.

As I’m researching for my upcoming book: Leadership Beyond Genders, and at the same time, thinking about environmental issues (I know, a bit strange combination), I thought, ‘Why don’t I recycle some of these earlier episodes?

Happiness & Leadership Beyond Genders

Throughout the episode, I notice Gido emphasises the importance of what I see as ‘leadership beyond gender’, noting that true leaders have a sense of self-acceptance and peace. 

That has nothing to do with their genders; it has to do with who they are!

They lead by example, helping others close the gap between the image they project and how they truly feel inside. By doing so, they can operate from a place of authenticity, allowing them to enjoy who they are and positively impact others.

Gido notes that many people believe they will only be happy once they achieve specific accomplishments or possess certain things, such as becoming a CEO or playing in the champion leagues. 

At the same time, however, he emphasises that even those who have completed these things still face problems and challenges and that it is essential to address personal issues to achieve success.

The Magic of Enjoying Who You Are: 

"For me, the magic of enjoying who you are is that moment when people realise that they have everything in place."— Gido Schimanski.

Gido focuses on working with high achievers, particularly those in the entertainment industry, to remove "glass ceilings" that hold them back from achieving their goals. In his case, his clients are both males and females and the so-called "glass ceilings" seem to stop both genders from feeling they have accomplished things.

The 'Glass Ceilings' and the stories we tell us. 

Re-listening to this brilliant insight from Gido, I thought about all of the stories we create in our minds, how our stories can seem so real when we believe in them and their effect on our lives.

Take the concept of the "Glass Ceiling" that Gido talks about as an example. As a leadership coach and mentor, I'm familiar with the term whilst empowering women to become their best selves. Listening to Gido made me realise the 'Glass Ceiling' isn't just a thing women are familiar with; it's more a term we use when we feel we can't get further or wonder we are not good enough - Of course, this happens to any gender. However, I think the difference is that society accepts if a woman talks about ‘Glass Ceiling’ it and judges men into being not being ‘Man Enough’ if he talks about this experience from his perspective.

Identifying our beliefs and narratives.

This process allows us to identify whether the barrier is accurate or if our beliefs and narratives influence it. By cultivating self-awareness and a willingness to analyse our experiences critically, we can better understand what is happening and take proactive steps to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

He also notes that many high achievers already know the direction they want to go in but may be constrained by their limiting beliefs.  

Uncovering limiting beliefs that are formed early in life.

According to Gido, one key to happiness and prosperity is uncovering and changing limiting beliefs formed early in life. These beliefs form the basis of our filters, and as adults, we only see opportunities that align with our existing filters. It's what we in The No More Boxes Transformational Movement talk about as 'boxes', the boxes we place ourselves into. 

Coaching can provide an outside perspective to help unravel and twist the key that unlocks the rest of our limiting beliefs. Contradictory beliefs eventually surface and get resolved, leading to more previously unseen opportunities.

Re-listing on this episode, I see more clearly the importance of leadership beyond gender in achieving happiness and success. True leaders can accept and appreciate themselves for who they are, leading by example to inspire and impact others positively. By removing limiting beliefs, understanding that life happens for you, not to you and operating from a place of authenticity, individuals can genuinely enjoy who they are and unlock their full potential.

Overall, "The Magic to Enjoy Who You Really Are" is an insightful and inspiring episode that offers valuable advice for anyone looking to achieve happiness and success in their personal and professional lives.  

Although it's a message delivered in 2018, it's more than relevant today!

For me, it links pretty well with embracing leadership beyond gender and operating from a place of authenticity; individuals can unlock their full potential and positively impact the world around them, becoming better, bolder and brighter as the leading light in their lives and industry. 

Looking for an inspirational speaker for your podcast or event to speak about Leadership Beyond Genders? CLICK HERE!


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Embrace Your Unique Leadership Journey Beyond Gender Norms