Filtering by: “Transformational journey”
to Nov 8
Be The Person You're Born To Be: Your Path to Global Stardom
It takes 21 days to develop a habit… so we’ve been told ;-)
just 21 days to make a lasting change in your life.
Join Rúna and her co-star guides at Guidly for a 21-day Virtual Retreat October 21st - November 10th (therapists, healers, coaches, & mentors) sharing their wisdom, guidance, and actionable tips to help you reconnect with your core self - in just 21 minutes per day!
Rúna’s topic will be November 7th at 5 pm PST, 8 pm EST (that’s midnight GMT)
Be The Person You're Born To Be: Your Path to Global Stardom
to Nov 21
The Game of Boxes | ONLINE
Join Rúna & her co-founder of No More Boxes Movement, Nicholas Haines for another round of playing The Game of Boxes November 1st 2021
The fun and interactive game that challenges and expands your limiting believes and conditions towards money and wealth.