Step Into Authentic Leadership 

Hey, wonderful you! Do you ever feel confined by the invisible barriers that society sets?

Leadership begins with guiding yourself first - with heart, clarity, and courage.

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Through my newsletter, I’ll share stories, insights, and tools to help you step into your power, embrace your unique energy, and lead authentically—in life and work.

Subscribe now to explore what it means to live and lead on your own terms. Together, let’s break free and create change—inside and out.

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AI, innsæið og ég - hvernig tæknin speglar innri leiðtogann minn

Hefur innsæið þitt og rökhyggjan lent í átökum? Ég lá brotin eftir hjólaslys og áttaði mig á að gervigreindartólið mitt, BeBBY-AI, var enn að vinna – en ég hafði misst tengsl við sjálfa mig. Þetta blogg er dagbók þessarar vegferðar: AI, innsæið og ég. Hvernig speglar tæknin okkur sjálf?

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