LinkedIn is the platform for high-achievers in the business world

Which Social Media is #1 Media for you to promote your personal brand?

During my LIVE Personal Branding 2.0 Webinar I held last week where I interviewed 5 World Class Experts in the Personal Development & Branding field, I asked every one of them a question, I most often get from my clients:

The Question: “Which Social Media Should is The Most Important One for me?

All of these experts named LinkedIn as THE right platform for high-achieving professionals in the business world.

I’m a huge fan of LinkedIn myself, and have even been teaching and training people how to use this wonderful platform of professionals.

But who is using LinkedIn and how are they using the platform?

I did a little research and found this wonderful Infographic:

“Portrait of a LinkedIn user”




Building Your Team To Rock Your Business


Practical Personal Branding Tips #4