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Supporting Kamala Harris: How are my energies driving my values and decisions?

Leadership with BeBBY for a Better, Bolder, Brighter Teams:
AI Meets Ancient Wisdom & Transformative Methodology
Rúna’s blog series

This blog series delves into the transformative capabilities of BeBBY, the 'Leadership for a Better, Bolder, Brighter Teams' AI tool, which uniquely blends ancient Chinese energy wisdom by Nicholas Haines's The Vitality Test and the progressive No More Boxes Methodology.

We'll explore how this innovative AI approach helps leaders and their teams break free from traditional constraints, moving instead towards a workplace driven by internal passion, values, and natural flow. Join us to uncover how this tool fosters a dynamic, inclusive, and prosperous team environment.

Supporting Kamala Harris: How are my energies driving my values and decisions?

Using AI and Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Untangle Why We Support Our Controversial Leaders

Imagine life as a grand orchestra, with each of us playing a unique instrument, contributing our energies to the symphony of society.

Recently, I shared on my Facebook profile that "I'm with her," expressing my support for Kamala Harris. While most of my Facebook friends supported my post, a few expressed concerns, even about my personal brand.

Let me clarify.

My personal brand, my life and my books "Branding Your X-Factor," "The Story of Boxes," and "Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership," is about value and freedom—freedom of speech, expression, freedom to control our lives including our bodies and the liberty to escape societal boxes.

When I say YES!!! to Kamala Harris's nomination, it's not because she is perfect—she isn't, and neither am I. 

However, compared to the Republican nominee, Donald Trump:

  • She has never been charged with sexual abuse.

  • She has never been convicted of felony fraud.

  • She hasn't made inappropriate comments about dating her children.

  • She has never boasted about grabbing anyone by their private parts.

  • She hasn't hidden secret documents in her basement or bragged about sensitive information to billionaires.

This distinction is why I say, "I'm with her." But there's more to it than a simple endorsement. It's about aligning my energies and values with Kamala's leadership vision.

The Power of Knowing Yourself!

I asked my AI Helper, BeBBY (Better, Bolder, Brighter You), to help me understand my energetic profile.

Understanding My Energetic Profile with BeBBY

The Vitality Test, rooted in ancient Chinese wisdom, identifies five distinct energies—Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal—present within each of us.

Knowing your Vitality Test profile allows you to harness your strengths, address blind spots, improve relationships, enhance decision-making, and foster personal growth. You can take the Vitality Test to learn about your profile (it’s free, here is the link)

Let's see how BeBBY sees these energies map onto my support for Kamala Harris.

Wood Energy – Visionary Leadership (31.5%)

Have you ever felt the urge to uproot the old and plant seeds for a brighter future?

That's my Wood energy talking. With a solid 31.5%, it fuels my desire for justice and innovation. Kamala Harris resonates deeply with this energy throughout her career as a prosecutor and progressive policies. She's a trailblazer, and my Wood energy appreciates her fight for a fairer, more inclusive society. This also aligns with the modern Personal Leadership Development Programs' worldwide emphasis on vision and justice.

Practical Tip: I support leaders who push for progressive, positive change. Build a forest of fairness, one tree at a time.

Fire Energy – Connection and Communication (27%)

Fire energy sparks connections and lights up the room. At 27%, it aligns perfectly with Kamala's charisma and communicative prowess. Her ability to inspire and connect with people is a beacon for my Fire energy. This is vital for all leaders, not to mention Women's Leadership and Empowerment, as charismatic leaders inspire and unite.

Practical Tip: Engage with inspiring leaders. Share their messages and spread the flames of connection and understanding.

Water Energy – Risk Assessment and Safety (18.9%)

My Water energy, though not the highest, is crucial. It's about assessing risks and seeking stability. Without the controversies plaguing her opponents, Kamala Harris represents a safer, more stable choice for me. Water energy helps me focus on long-term consequences. Self-leadership techniques often emphasise the importance of risk assessment and stability.

Practical Tip: Evaluate leaders' ability to steer us safely through challenges. I like to look for those who bring stability and integrity.

Earth Energy – Stability and Understanding (5.4%)

Earth energy, my lowest at 5.4%, seeks grounding and community. Supporting Kamala is a step towards creating a stable, inclusive society. Recognise the importance of fostering understanding and support for everyone, especially the marginalised. This mirrors the goals of hundreds, if not thousands, of Transformational Leadership Workshops, which aim to build inclusive communities.

Practical Tip: Balance support for leaders by actively participating in community-building activities. Create a solid foundation for people, not just a few selected.

Metal Energy – Clarity and Standards (13.5%)

Metal energy, at 13.5%, strives for clarity and high standards. This energy appreciates adherence to principles and commitment to maintaining a higher standard of conduct. AI-powered leadership strategies, like my BeBBY-AI tool, use clarity and high standards to drive efficient decision-making.

Practical Tip: Support leaders who uphold high ethical standards and are evident in their actions. Strive for simplicity and efficiency in decision-making.

Breaking Free from the Boxes

Supporting Kamala Harris means stepping out of mentally created boxes:

The "Perfection Box": Leaders aren't perfect, and neither are we. Embrace what they stand for, their strengths and their potential for positive change.

The "Gender Box": Be aware of unconscious biases and judgments constantly playing in the background.

Conscious Questions

I often reflect on these conscious questions, created by Nicholas Haines, the man behind The Vitality Test and co-creator of The No More Boxes Movement, to stay true to my values and not become anxious in a very complex world.

  • Why is it important to remember not all things are fair or just, but we can aim to do better? (Wood)

  • What would I see if I were to detach from my preconceived ideas? (Metal)

  • Why is it important to remember that allowing a difference of opinion can unite us? (Earth)

  • What would the highest and most loving version of me do now? (Fire)

  • Why am I bigger, braver and bolder than my fears? (Water)

And finally 

  • Why is it important to remember that all things will pass?

Final Thoughts

I support Kamala Harris because of what I’ve seen so far; she aligns with the values of integrity, justice, connection, understanding, and clarity. I believe this is a path towards a better, more inclusive future, not about finding perfection but striving for progress.

Reykjavík, Iceland, July 25th 2024

Personal branding, leadership and development books by Rúna Magnús

Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership - GRAB COPY HERE!

The Story of Boxes, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - GRAB YOUR COPY HERE!

Branding Your X-Factor - GRAB YOUR COPY HERE!