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4 Steps to a Dream Team of Happy Go-Getters

4 Steps and Some Tools to Building a Dream Team of Go-Getters Who Have Their Own Happiness Zone

Ah, the Happiness Zone. It’s that most potent of elixirs that fuels the flame inside of you, motivating you to keep going, keep going – higher and higher, better and better. When you’re “in the zone,” you’re just about untouchable. Now imagine a group of people who are all in their own “Happiness Zones.” Picture them all working towards a common, shared mission. Can you sense how powerful that can be?

Oh, I am sure you can! The question inevitably becomes: “How can I build a team of people who are all working from their own Happiness Zone?”

Honestly, it doesn’t have to be hard.  I’ve seen that countless of times when I’m helping businesses to clarify their teams X-factors, their personal brands.  It needs only a few steps and concerted effort. In case you haven’t picked up on this, I like to offer tips and tools you won’t easily find elsewhere, so don’t forget to read those neat little tidbits of helpful information!

Step 1:

Know your own Happiness Zone. To have an effective team of people in their happiness zone, you’ve got to be in your own Happiness Zone! So if you aren’t already “in the zone,” begin at once to work towards that goal.

Step 2:

Take the Vitality Test. You can take this test even before Step 1, but here’s the point: the Vitality Test gives you remarkable insight as to what motivates you, what is it that makes you who you are, and a whole slew of other actionable info. You can take it for FREE right here. Once you have done that, use the results from the Vitality Test to figure out what you are missing.

Then go find someone who has some characteristic or personality trait that you don’t have – but that is crucial for the growth of your personal brand and business. Just “fill in the missing spots” of your own self with other team members who have what you don’t.

Step 3:

Distill in your team your company’s mission and values. Your team needs to know what you stand for, and consequently, what they will stand for. They must be immersed in your company’s mission, value, and vision. They must be in perfect and absolute harmony with that vision – in this way you will have that “Dream Team” that can do so much for you – personally and financially.

Step 4:

Build rapport with the team. For the team to steam ahead over obstacles and terrifying dragons (yes, I’m being hyperbolic there), you should begin each week with a brief team meeting. This should be the rule, not the exception. And, for the sake of your sanity and well-being, this meeting should have only one focus (and only one): the growth of rapport among the team members. So, for example, team members can eagerly discuss among each other what they are excited about in the work week ahead – what projects are fueling them and giving them bursts of creativity.

Hint: use post-it notes or sticky notes to where they can write things down, such as their intentions and goals for the week. Next, at the end of the week, have another short meeting where the team can laugh and smile and clap as they discuss their GLORIOUS WINS THROUGHOUT THE WEEK.

You should also encourage discussion about what challenges team members have faced – and they could receive great input and advice from others in their team.

Hint: team-building exercises are another great way to generate rapport in a real way. ZURB is a tool you can use to organize fun, creative team-building activities. There’s one, for example, wherein team members are asked how ancient technologies (such as the pyramids) could be improved and reimagined with modern technology. I think that’s kind of cool, don’t you?




Personal Branding Audio Book
Branding Your X-Factor